Tuesday, June 24, 2008


so i know that i haven't blog in a while and my mom was telling me about it yesterday.... we just got back from panama on Saturday to the fact that 6 of us didn't get our luggage again!!! so this is a recap of what happened on our trip....1. our luggage was lost and we didn't get it for 2 days...2. there was no water because a line was broken....3. there was amazing things that happened....4. a lot of children gave their hearts to Jesus!!!! everything was just beautiful, and when i get my pictures developed i will post some on my facebook or even on here!!! everything went great until the end when a lot of miscommunication mixed with drama!!! but it was when we were on our way home...... but I'm really debating whether or not i should do a DTS which is a discipleship training program with YWAM....... but I'm really praying about it. maybe ill go to CBC for a year and then go to YWAM for 6 months..... there is just a really big need down there and i really feel lead to go back and help spread the good news.... so just keep that in prayer.... thanks :D

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