Wednesday, February 27, 2008


WOW!!! so this week is extremely crazy right now!!! i have 3 unwanted goldfish at my house that i have to wait until it is a little warmer in order to bring them to the church where their new home is going to live!!! in remembrance of P.tone and Jamie their names are Darla, Nemo, and Dora only because the one is orange like Nemo but the bad thing is that Dora isn't blue!!! but yeah Molly, who is my dog, is so fascinated by them.....she decided that she was going to watch them until they were put up higher away from her!!! then again its always hard to keep two little brothers away from them when you are trying to do the dishes!!! i just can't wait for the summer time or at least the spring a ling a ling time!!! :D but its amazing how God is working right now!!! at times everything just seems so complicated and hard but then when you feel the most desperate its when you see things the clearest like you have been walking throw the fog and you don't know if you are going in the right direction but then when it seems that things have cleared you see that it wasn't you directing your steps but God knowing that you were SO lost!!! its really amazing!! i am just so thankful that when i am having those moments God is right there letting me know that he is the one careering me through!!! WOW!!!!

1 comment:

Malachi said...

Its kinda gettho how if their is only 1 comment for a blog it says "1 comments" rather funny to me...I think blog spot needs to teach their website proper English. Just something to laugh about unless u think its lame then don't but i thought it was funny...okay bye