Thursday, February 28, 2008

That is the question....

Well I was talking to someone last night about my blog and they said that they weren't to sure about whether or not to blog. They told me that somethings are really private and that they are between them and God....and I totally agree. There are just somethings that I just don't think you should blog about.......but some good things to start off with would be something that happened this week that was a real God eye opener. Or maybe how your favorite team just got knocked out of March Madness.....or some other ideas. I don't know maybe I'm taking this out of proportion but I just want to be safe and not bash anyone or hurt anyones feelings that is reading this....for instance family. Yeah I can talk about them but I want to talk about them in the way that I see them and how I love them without getting to personal!!! I don't know but maybe its something to really pray about!!! But random thought: Why does the Easter bunny give eggs if he is a bunny??? Does he steal them from the chicken or what????? very challenging :D

1 comment:

becominggreek said...

Good to see you out on the blog world!!1