Tuesday, March 25, 2008


What a crazy life is this???!!!! Demands that are so high it's a wonder how we ever accomplish them!! It just amazes me how we have strength to face the day! But then I'm reminded of the song that we sing by Hillsong United....."And it's in your presence we find strength to face the day and all our sins are washed away...Hosanna, Hosanna you are the God who saves up worthy of ALL our praises!" I know at times I lack strength or I say somethings that I shouldn't and something I really struggle with is just trusting God to be my strength and not relaying on my own! This life is hard I know, it has so many ups and downs, but more times than not we have more downs than ups. I was reading "In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson and in it he wrote "if we always have 'good days' then how would we ever know when are the GREAT days?" We always pray for those good days but if we never had a bad day then when could we point out where God really used up or when we really heard from Him? We couldn't! I guess we just have to see some light on those bad days and know that God is strengthening us through those experiences or situations! God never said life was going to be easy, take Jesus for example. His own friends betrayed Him. The same people that called Hosanna wanted him dead 5 days later!! But He did tell us that if you trust in Him, He will strengthen you and set you free. Freely He gave as we demanded and He is still giving....why? Because He loves us more than anyone ever could! Because in Him we find our strength and out refugee and our strong tower firm through any storm that Satan blows our way! I hope you had a blessed Easter and continue to seek Him even in the hardest of days! God bless!

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