Friday, May 9, 2008


CRAZY!!! Lately i have been really stressed and normally it's just me stressing myself out but this time it's Mass Media.... Mass Media is a class you can take at school and it teaches you how to make movies and put special effects and music in and what not!! Well for our final project we have to make and music video and I'm doing Take It All by Hillsong United. That's not what's stressing me!!!! It's that fact that when you set up a date to film and everyone at the last minute says that they can't do that is a little stressful.... as of right now I'm planning on filming tomorrow if people actually show up and if not then it's another rain date to make up!! I just hate it when you want something done and everything just gets in the way!!! I pray that God just gives me patience and i don't lose my top over this whole thing!!! I have a dream for it and i want it to be perfect because I'm the only thus far to do a christian music video out off my teachers ohhhh 16 years teaching!! But i know God hears me crying out and he will provide!!!

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