Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's My Reason To Live....

Reason to Live and Scream by Zoegirl are probably the best songs that describe my life right about now!! They just describes everything that I'm going through and feeling right about now. Today was a good day in comparison to what I've been feeling lately. I got to sleep in for the second day in a row, and then I just started class, but unfortnely that didn't last long. I found this game that I used to play in like 10th grade in my one business class. I was bored out of my tree that day and it was the only thing that the school district didn't block. It's Spongebob SquarePants Collopse game and I've fallen in love with it! I get up to Level 10 and then everything ends. I could play  that game all day long and not get past level 10, but not get tired of it, which is pretty sad!! That's besides the point, so I played that for a couple of hours, when I got a call from my best friend since like 4th grade. We are both leaving next semester for our new homes out in Kentucky and Missouri for the next 5 months. We went to dinner and as usual I was late because I wasn't ready in time and I ended up leaving my house at like 5, when it takes me about half an hour to get anywhere from our house! So we met and I tell her that my whole next semester was paid for and she tells me that she got her whole schedule with all the classes that she wanted, so it was more of a celebration between us! I love those days. We planned that I was going to pick her up for breaks or I would visit her or she would come visit me! Since we are only about 3 hours apart, and it would be a sin if we didn't!! She is my best friend and sister and I'm so grateful to have her in my life everyday! We get each other and complete each other! I end my night on a good note and it feels good to be going to bed early today instead of the 2:15 that I went to bed last night at!! Now work tomorrow morning and then start cleaning for my Nona and Poppy who come down next week!! AHHH what a crazy life

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