Friday, November 7, 2008


The last couple of days have been very trying, crazy, hectic, and eventful to say the least! I started my new job at Target, I voted in my first election, found out some crazy news, classes, and dealing with my life as an 18 year old girl!!! I don't think the next 56 days is going to be any easier!!! Where to start is the next question!! Work: work it fun and I love my job so much. It was definitely a blessing from the Lord. I can save up again for my trip out to Missouri and hopefully a couple of months to get on my feet again!! I got a letter from my college saying that my first part of my loan has gone through and so it just gives me some peace. Next the election: although it is not the candidate I would have liked to see have won, God sets things in motion and He knows what the future holds. I'm just glad I don't have to know, but just like everyone else I want to know, so I know how to get there and what to avoid!! Then my old youth pastor and his family left for Greece this week and it's so bittersweet. I love our new youth pastor and I know God put him there for a reason and it's for Frequency to grow, but I'm so glad for P.Tone and Jamie for their next step in life. Then there is my classes that I have to deal with on a daily basis, but recently it's been getting a lot harder to juggle work and school and then just life with my friends and family. It's hard and it's sometimes like my parents don't care. I know they do and they want me to work for everything and to go where God is leading, but right now I wish I could just have more support. Finally we hit the life of a 18 year old girl. I'm not going into any specific details, but it's hard!!! It's hard to stay focused and it's harder to just stay close to God and have to live in this world!!! I personally think it would have been easier if I would have lived in the 20's or 30's!! Yeah everything was planned for you, but you didn't have everything that this life carries and puts on you! I don't know, sometimes I think that and then other times I'm just thankful I live in the century and time period I do!!! It's just crazy right now and I know Ski Round Top opens soon and that's another job!! I'm not going to have any life once that starts!!! Is this the rest of my life?? I wish there was just some time where I could relax and just catch my breath or get away, whether it's just me or it's me and the girls!!! I just need something or some kind of encouragement!! I need some support and lovings right now!!! I know this probably sounds depressing but it's just a hard adjustment right now!!! I worked two jobs this summer, which was easy, but I didn't have to juggle with my classes and I had time to spend with the girls!! It's just crazy and I want to be able to enjoy life right now, while I still can!!! 

1 comment:

Chris said...

Actually, I think you've got a great attitude. You say so many positive things. A lot of the uncertainties you mention, so many of us feel that way at different times in our lives. It's pretty universal.

I have found that the key to the Christian life is not giving up--no matter what--no matter how you feel--just don't give up.

2 Corinthians 4:18

God bless you, Carolyn!